South Shields Success in Northumberland Rapidplay Championship

Good to see almost as many South Shields players there as on a typical club night during the season … and it paid off!

Well done to Dave Walker who shares the title of Northumberland Rapidplay Champion 2019 with rising young start, Yichen Han, with an impressive 5/6.

Well done, too, to Kevin Rowden and Brian Towers who share the title of Under 160 champions with Darren Laws on 4/6.

Honourable mention to Konst Delidimoudis for finishing in 3= on 4.5/6 in the main championship.

On 4/6 we also had Dave Mooney

On 3/6, Paul Bielby and Dave Campbell

On 2.5/6 Eddie Czestochowski and Stan Johnson

And on 2/6, Dave Parlour.

Full details here.