Warm-Up Blitz – 4th July

The themed blitz tournaments are taking a rest for the big blitz at The Round on Saturday 6th July and a warm-up blitz in the club on the 4th July. The idea is to give those who want it a bit of practice before the big event.

We plan a 9 round blitz with game in 5 minutes plus a 2 second increment. If not enough players turn up we will have a round robin. We can add players to a Swiss but not a round robin, so please try and turn up early / on time. It will be FIDE rated. As usual, no entry fee, no prizes. Start time is 19:15 at the club – The New Ship on Sunderland Rd in South Shields.

There will be no blitz on the 27th June to give players in the various club championships a chance to play their outstanding games without missing out.

The King’s Indian Attack themed blitz on the 13th June was won by Dave Mooney with 8/9. Dave Patterson and Kevin Rowden were equal 2nd with 6/9. Full details here.

The Danish Gambit themed blitz on the 20th June was won by Dave Mooney with 9/9. Kevin Rowden was 2nd on 6.5 and Bielby was 3rd on 6. Full details here.