Gosforth Regents 2.5-2.5 South Shields A

Andy Lawson 1-0 John Boyd
Joe Dalton 0-1 Joe Watson
John Wheeler 0-1 Paul Bielby
JoshuA Fernadez ½-½ Simon McGuiness
D Baynes 1-0 Ian Maughan

John Boyd lost on time to Andy Lawson in a queen and pawn endgame . Joe Watson felt a little bored with his position and was considering  an e cigarette but decided to pull off a clever combination instead and won a bishop . Paul Bielby has lost count of the number of times he has played John Wheeler . Paul won a nice rook ending . Simon McGuinness played an unusual variation of the French Defence and was under the cosh before generating activity on both sides of the board . Ian Maughan had an exciting game . In mutual time pressure his opponents bishop pair conjured up too many threats .



Monday 14th December 2015